Bishop Steiner Ball and Bishop Moore-Koikoi to visit West Virginia Conference

Same Mission, New Hope


You’re invited to attend one of three gatherings with Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball and Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi in the West Virginia Conference.

Bishop Steiner Ball and Bishop Moore-Koikoi will:

  • lead us in worship,
  • share their portfolios and how the work of both Bishops will lead us in ministry and mission,
  • share their vision for the United Methodist Church in the West Virginia, Western PA, and Susquehanna Conferences and how our Wesleyan distinctives will guide us to lead Christ’s mission in The United Methodist Church, and
  • give us an update on the latest announcement regarding General Conference.

As United Methodists in the West Virginia Conference – we are part of a church that was founded on the following:

Disciple-making: We are committed to making disciples who are grounded in the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.  Disciples of Jesus who live a life of ‘personal piety and social holiness,’ which is what makes us distinctively Wesleyan.

Belonging – We embrace a Church that has uplifted our own lives and the lives of our friends, family, and those we cherish. We celebrate that God’s grace is not static but meets us where we are as we grow in love of God and neighbor. We give thanks for The United Methodist Church where, when communion is celebrated, everyone is welcome at Christ’s table.

Connecting & Impactful –through the power of the Holy Spirit, living and sharing the grace of Jesus Christ, we are committed to work for better health, education, child welfare, disaster recovery, and countless other efforts.  Our connectional nature means that we can accomplish much more together than alone to transform our communities and the world.

Experiencing God – We experience God through the outpouring of God’s mercy and grace. Whether our hands are raised in worship or at work alongside others, this experience of God transforms our own lives as well as the lives of others.

The three gatherings will be in-person only. Doors will open 30 minutes before start time. There will be a time for Q&A. Questions will be taken on notecards that will be provided. A recording will be made available on the website after the April 23rd gathering.

The dates and locations are:

Saturday, March 19 @ 10:00 am United Methodist Temple, Beckley
Saturday, March 19 @ 3:00 pm Forrest Burdette UMC, Hurricane 
Saturday, April 23 @ 10:00 am Life UMC, Fairmont

Sessions in Western PA and Susquehanna conference will be open to WVUMC clergy and laity who wish to attend.  Dates and locations will be updated as they become available.